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Subject: Training to Synchronize Managers with Latest Technology

A new company wide compliance system, an original and innovative technology is being introduced within the company's countrywide setup. For this technology to be a success and for its effective operation all managers are required to attend a necessary ten hour training session at a central location decided upon for all managers. The training session will assist and teach the managers how to use the new platform and introduce them to the multiple compliance policies being integrated into the present system. Managers are required to voluntarily adopt to the changes in the organizations vision and operation techniques and attend, as that would represent their loyalty and determination to learn and adapt to the changing technologies. This technology will introduce a system to measure and ensure standards of quality are being met by the branches of the organization throughout the country as all branch heads will then integrate into their systems.

Stakeholders Benefits

The stakeholders will automatically benefit from such a change in the company's system. The training will teach the mangers how to use this new system and they can then pass down their knowledge to the middle management employees teaching them how to operate it and work in accordance to it. The employees overall performance will then benefit the upper management as their work force will be operating efficiently and according to the new technology producing maximum results and highest quality products. This technology will guarantee that all the products being produced by different branches of the company all over the country are meeting the same standards and requirements and producing products of the same level of quality. This training will be benefitting the company overall, as this way the efficiency increase will increase rate of production benefitting the shareholders, also building customer loyalty as better quality products are going to be produced with the same standard in all the cities of the country where the organizations set ups are located. This will lead to increase in sales and will give weight to the brand name. Eventually leading to a successful implementation of a new technology into the system with maximum output and increased sales. In the long-term, this training will benefit the clients also because they will have products of a company with the most advanced and efficient technology of the highest quality.

Objective and Outcome

The objective of this training project is to ...
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