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Hiring Criteria for Expatriate Positions





Subject: Training Outline for Expatriate Positions

The basic components of this memorandum are:

highlighting the need of production managers to my team

Recruiting quality candidates

Improving overall company's performance

The world now tends to revolve around China; the kind of products and services has to offer has killed almost major corporations running around the country. With company and global organizations now in the process of working together upon the model of collaboration, it becomes significantly important for every single employee to work as a team and deliver quality, synergized performances.

It would be a necessary, rather improving step that we must hire two qualified candidates for the post of production managers, who shall perform the roles in alignment of the company's goals and objectives and at the same time give out quality and outstanding performance on the job descriptions they shall be hired upon.

To bring to notice, following must be the required traits for the recruitment and selection of production managers that shall travel to China as our trained representatives:

Equipped with technical knowledge regarding the production facilities employed at the company;

Well-versed in the area of travelling and pertain to display cultural respect and understanding for people of differing identities;

Highly qualified in the area of numbers and mathematics;

Idea generation and screening capabilities;

Prompt and effective conflict resolution;

Excellent team player; and

Displaying leadership qualities and traits.

One must understand and comprehend that all the above criteria has been excerpted and highlighted on the basis of independent research and analysis, giving out the above yield, which would contribute towards the development of the company and the work that these individuals do.

To highlight upon the reasons of recruitment are several to discuss and highlight. With the entire world working in the realm of constant change and the discipline of globalization, it has now become significantly important ...
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