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To:Students of A212 Technical Communication

CC:St. Michael's College

From:Professor Christine Bauer-Ramazani


Re:Ethics in business and organizations



These days, whenever people make way talk about business, the most recent notion that has come up for discussion is the discipline of ethics, which tends to identify and guide regarding our actions which we, as human beings, as company and as organizations tend to perform in the corporate world. Ethics, ethical standards and ethical codes of conduct have become an eminent and effective par t of the kind of reason that are being discussed and evaluated side by side to judge their actual and projected performance which an organization aspires to achieve and prove itself in the good books of the corporate world.

The situation

Today, ethics have been channeled and used by different organizations, however the kind of incorporation and usage that tends to occur in several organizations is difficult to adopt and practice in our own point of view in order to prove ourselves as ethical enough to adopt any other form of ethics in the organization. Incorporating ethics into our lives should not be cause of surprise or presumption, as it must be something that we should incorporate in us every day, but apparently ethics has been a rather serious and somewhat complicated phenomenon in our current reality, since ethics can sometimes only be used as simply as a face in our daily actions. We must be fully aware and convinced that ethics is governed by basic universal principles such as justice (justice we all cherish the moment that no one likes being treated unfairly).

Ethical Dilemma

When it comes to ethical standards, it must be understood and followed by all that living beings - both humans and animals - shall be treated with equal respect and that exploitation is simply a no-show. However, and unfortunately, the kind of feelings and situation both of them have to face is contradictory to the picture that takes place in reality. Humans may be able to retaliate and stop an otherwise unacceptable practice; this doesn't generally apply to the animal and pets, since they are unable to tell what they may actually be feeling or the pain that they are going through. The kind of catastrophes and damages that are being done to animals in the midst of proving an experiment true and applicable for humans does not justify the kind of treatment and behavior they generally receive.

That is not all; animals that have once been used and undertaken for a specific experiment are later on slaughtered or being killed after the experiment has been completed or that when the need has been fulfilled for utilizing the subject. They are then subjected to either being burnt or intended some form of food products and feed which is then given ahead to the people who make way as food supply for other animals.

The Stakeholders

In such a situation, the basic and most immediate stakeholders are the public alone; we as human beings are being severely and subliminally affected since the ...
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