Melvin Laird Strategy For Peace

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Melvin Laird Strategy for Peace

Melvin Laird Strategy for Peace


In year 1970, Melvin Laird (a former defense secretary) proposed President Nixon a strategy of defense. Laird strategy was based on to shift the focus from the war into peace. The strategy was also included the measures to restructured the fours in the fiscal constraints while maintaining the stronger force that are able to determining the threats. The purpose of this paper is to the examiner that whether the former Defense secretary, Melvin Laird 'A Strategy for Peace are directly applicable in today's time or not. He proposed the strategy of defense in year 1970 and focus from wartime thinking towards the peace time.



Strategy of peace is an outlined and insight part of Melvin Laird and his strategy some part is applicable while the other part was not much applicable in today's time. The applicable part of his strategy includes resources expectation, security and nature of current fiscal. The current issues that we have faces in today's time in our country has repeatedly resembled with the challenges that United States was faces in the time period of 1970, such as during at that time, US was engaged with the costly and length war in the Vietnam.

The proposal of Laid from a budgeting policy, foreign policy and the security policy that strained by the fighting in the war at Vietnam. The question that has emerged was that how the Army specifically is used, and resources were also being raised. There are the constitutional arguments is the reshaping the thinking of wartime by perusing the “policy of peace “by Nixon.

In this strategy, he pointed out that US cannot sustain and enforcing the security at international level, and the United Stated should have to encourage the operation of security. According to Laird, “there is a larger share of the free world security burden taken the free world nations that facilitate the major support by the US. We have also faced the same experience when current president Obama highlighted “our engagement will be underpin in just and the sustainable global order, it advances the mutual interest and the protecting the rights who refuses to meet the responsibilities”. This is a very applicable consideration from the year 1970 that is given to the similar nature of changing the system of the world coming out of protracted the conflicts.

Laird was also pointed out that the United States should required ...