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Mental Disease and Health in Children

Mental Disease and Health in Children


As per a survey of in excess of 2,000 girls and children, conducted in England and Wales, approximately two-thirds have had serene to modest mental health troubles, equal to 15.2 million girls and children. Further studies have added: generations of children in calamity are children who are often vital member of their family unit and their community, and if three out of five of are not congregating their latent, they miss out; their relatives and associates miss a chance. Thus as a result, society as whole suffers due to the eventual mistreatment of the children (Caughy et al, 2003, p.237).

There are many issues that are being faced by children these days as far as mental illness and depression is concerned. The mental issues of the children are being ignored to a certain extent because of there are more severe issues that are needed to be taken care of. The lack of education, the overall status quo that prevails in some of the societies and the dual nature of the work that children must undergo are some of the factors that are affecting the overall mental health of children's these days (Caughy et al, 2003, p.237The physical condition of the general children should also be taken into the consideration. This point of view has been presented at many international forums that well being and the health of the Children must be the primary concern of people living in the society. It is also a well known fact that healthy Children are assign of a healthy society. So thus the emphasis and importance must be given to the health condition of the Children, rather than taking into account the health of their and family. Overpopulation is also one of the key causes of Children mental health is not on the priority of the policy makers (Currie & Stabile, 2006, p.1094).

Lot of Children given out birth control in the wellbeing of plummeting fecundity, but frequently unobserved Children's needs for knowledge concerning, and managing in excess of, reproductive methods. More of late, experimental trial of AZT for the period of pregnancy have paying attention on dropping the broadcast of HIV from tainted mother to their infants, but monetary constraint have imperfect hard work to present AZT for mother subsequent to maternity and pregnancy (Currie & Stabile, 2006, p.1094) . ). It has to be taken into consideration that the situation has been very grave for some times regarding child mental health.

In USA it is already one of the more serious concerns when we look it into the context of child labor. The lower social status that is given to children in some of the countries is also one of the reasons for the eventual decline in mental health of the children. Over one third of children aged 18 have frenzied antidepressants, as per research in print which its author asserts disclose "age groups of children in crisis" with mental ...
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