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Benefits of Breastfeeding

Benefits of Breastfeeding


Breastfeeding is the natural consequence of pregnancy and childbirth. It is said that after birth, there is a period of "external gestation" lasts between 9 and 12 months. Breastfeeding creates a greater attachment between mother and child, and meets the needs of safety, consistency, permanence, affection and physical contact of the child. The bond that develops between them is difficult to describe, but it is nonetheless extraordinarily strong, complex and essential to the development of this new little human being.

Breast milk is the best mother and nutritious food for infants. In this phrase, there is not a drop of exaggeration. The composition of breast milk has evolved over millions of years of evolution, and meets the highest standards of quality food for the infant. In human breast milk contains all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals needed by the body of the child under the age of 6 months. The composition of breast milk is almost independent of the diet of the mother: the mother provides breast milk from simple ingredients, and always ensures their optimal ratio. If a nursing mother is not in a state of complete exhaustion or dehydration - milk contains all the necessary ingredients for the normal development of the child. If you eat poorly, it's bad for your health, but the nutritional benefits of milk and did not significantly change.

On the advantages of breastfeeding can talk endlessly, because it's a real gift of nature to man. The fact that nowadays many mothers give up breastfeeding deserves only condemnation and of course comes from simple ignorance of the benefits of breastfeeding. Here we describe the main advantages of breastfeeding (Weimer, 2001).

Ideal food for your baby

Breast milk is different from any other possible food for children, including cow's milk, a mixture of domestic and commercial preparation, and the following features:

Breast milk is best, well-balanced composition of food items;

Breast milk promotes normal intestinal microflora of the child;

The child's body can easily absorb the mother's milk;

Breastfeeding is never causes allergy

In breast milk is a whole range of important biologically active substances and protective factors, such as enzymes, hormones, immunoglobulins (immune elements provide the child), etc.

Breast milk is always best for the child's temperature;

Breast milk is characterized by an optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Also, proteins from the breast milk are qualitatively different from the proteins in cow's milk. Breast milk is rich in essential amino acids;

About 90% of breast milk carbohydrates is lactose, which promotes absorption of important micronutrients such as calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and copper;

In human breast milk contains lipase, an enzyme that facilitates the digestion of fats;

In human breast milk contains vitamin A, vitamin B complex and vitamins K, E, D and C.

Breast milk protects the baby from the majority of infections, as in breast milk there are elements of the immune system of the mother.

A balanced diet

Through subtle and surprising natural mechanisms of regulation, with proper breast-feeding, the composition and quantity of breast milk always meets the needs of ...
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