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Question 1

Androgenic effects: there are several effects classified as androgenic, they include the maturation of the male sex organs, most importantly, the formation of penis and the formation of the scrotum inside the fetus concerning the birth of the baby. At puberty, the voice of a male deepens, whereas, the beard grows and axillary hairs nurture through these effects. It is more concerned with the secondary characteristics of sexual developments in the masculine gender. Anabolic effects: they mainly include the growth of muscles with regard to their mass and strength. They increase bone density, whereas, they also stimulate the linear growth and born maturation.

Steroids are commonly taken by athletes and other individuals. However, it is clearly explained that steroids are far more risky and harmful than they were once thought to be. The effects on both genders are further explained as under; For males: the sperm count in the male reduces, infertility, the development of breasts stops, baldness and shrinking of the testicles. For females: the facial hairs are grown abnormally, changes and intercession in the menstrual cycle, deepened voice and the clitoris enlargement.

The use of steroids in the sports is to be banned permanently, or at least to be reduced to the minimum. This is because they have much adverse effect upon the individuals who use it and it renders far more of disruption of the sexual health issues of the individual than the catering to the sports competition. They devastate the ability of the individuals to stay sexually well, and they suffer minor consequences such as the growth of the facial hair to the major problems such as infertility.

If the individual is way undersized, it is suggested that the enhancement of the growth hormone could be used to make the individual gain height. However, it ...
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