Medication Errors

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Medication Errors

Evaluation of Plan


Assessment is a significant factor for the right evaluation of design, activities, strategies, and results of any program for ensuring the efficacy of the program. For the determination of of the efficacy of the program, assessment should be done for the demonstration of the value of the program to capitalists, stakeholders and funds related problems and support, in case, the financing is needed. It is a desire of the stakeholders to have knowledge about the program for which they are financing that it would effect the setups of healthcare in reality or not. The planned assessment enhances the program's implementation and efficacy. It provides the knowledge regarding the negative and positive consequences of the program. Moreover, it records its progress that is helpful in the succcessfu; implementation of the program in each setting ( McKenzie, Neiger, & Thackeray, 2009). During the evaluation of the program, following stated factors should be taken into consideration:

The need for a particcular program.

Logic and designof the plan.

How the implementation of the program would be done.

Effects or consequences of the program.

Effectiveness and cost of the plan.

For the evaluation of the program, appropriate questions of evaluaqtion are significant. The questions should include the details of activities, before, during and subsequent to the implementation of the plan. More than one answers should be established for one question inorder to minimize the biasness. The questions provide with ways to do improvement in the plan, whether the program would be effective or there would be substitutes or the program would bring in desired results or the objectives of the program would be useful. It gives the knowledge to the stakeholders and makers of the policy to asiste in making decisions for the saftey of patients (Glanz, Rimer, & Viswanath, 2008).


Process Evaluation Questions

The process evaluation questions tell about the activities of the program and tell that, what activities should be used in the program to get intended outcomes.

It gives an idea about how much the program would be effective in brining the change in health care setups.

How much the plan would improve the health care professionals' knowledge in the education workshops?

What would be the impact of training on the health care professionals and the change it would bring in patient outcomes?

How has the use of plan changed the behaviour of health care professionals over the course of one year, and how it has affected ...
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