To protect the intrinsic value and sanctity each human life, both medical law and decision making should continue. Further treatment or just treatment could be a violation precisely of that life's value and sanctity and in some cases the condition or quality of a patient's life can be so minimal and damaged that medicine (and perhaps law as well) should formally acknowledge that. to provide whatever amount of care and comfort is possible and needed, there always remains a continuing obligation no matter how damaged the patient's condition, even in those cases for which it is decided not to initiate or to cease external life supporting treatment. Necessarily implying a comparison of the relative meaning, utility and worth of different lives, these value judgments about the meaningfulness, usefulness, or worth of the lives under consideration equally assume, in this view, that quality of life thinking must necessarily involve these judgments. In a final absolute manner to question about modifying and ending life, discussion claims that the sanctity of life principle provided the answer. The sanctity of life principle requires no other qualification or principle. The most important point, of practical consensus, of practical agreement, is of course in the affirmation of the principle itself, at least in its general lines and orientation, as the starting point and the fundamental one for all biomedical decision making. It is no small matter, that in itself. The very concrete yet difficult issues of life supporting or life-saving treatment decisions for patients will be the primary (not exclusive though) application and focus, lest my consideration of quality of life and sanctity of life is too wide and abstract ranging. Relevant to many other quality of life issues in medical ethics as well are, the moral priorities and principles applicable to that question are, hopefully.
Sanctity of Life
The intrinsic value of the life of a person is the premise on which its principle works. Life is a God gifted and valuable thing. Respect and value has to be given, irrespective of quality and condition of life and despite the life's circumstances. The end and the beginning of life and its control are authored by God and he is the one who has created it and made it sacred. The end can only be made by God and God has set it in motion. The self-determination (autonomy) and authority of the human is limited as per God's principles. Life's jurisdiction is only with God. Humans cannot do as they like, with their life, as it is a gift of God. Evading miscomprehension, misrepresentation and its possible charges, the scope and meaning needs to be gained a good understanding, in order to assess the extent to which observation of the doctrine of the sanctity of human life is by the Law (Erickson et. al., 2005).
The moral traditions of the Christian and Judaism associate the doctrine mostly and particularly such aspects of the latter as love, charity, the Golden Rule, and the notion that humans are ...