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Coursework 1 Question

Over the last few years, autism has come into view as a major child health issue in the United Kingdom. Though known for over 50 years as one of the most severe neuropsychiatric disorders in children, it was considered to be quite uncommon (Siegel, 2003, p.69). However, now it is acknowledged that autism takes in a much broader spectrum of the children who are affected, ahead of those with typical features. In recent times, there has been much assumption that the fundamental risk of the condition, in its all forms, may be rising with time. Unquestionably, more and more children have been seeking social, medical, and educational services to help deal with the frightening challenges of autism. This all comes at a time when, in spite of a decade-long thorough investigation for autism genes, there is sustained bafflement over the aetiology of the condition.

What is Autism?

Autism belongs to a group of neurobiological disorders in children. It is mostly characterized as a state that takes account of impairments in communication and social interaction with restricted, stereotypical, or repetitive behaviour patterns that slow down the process of learning as well as interaction. This disorder is usually identified prior to the age of three, mostly on account of the child losing the skills of communication which were previously apparent or not learning the language. Even those who are diagnosed with autism later in their lives had evident symptoms before the age of three.

The Context

A psychiatrist, Leo Kanner was the first to define Autism in the 1940s. He considered it an emotionally occupied mother, the main reason behind this disorder. This supposition was the most widespread notion all through the 1970s, with a steady shift to realizing that autism is a disorder affecting brain. Educational theories and implications of how to lend a hand to autistic children in learning have been a significant part of this change in thinking, with persistent debates on the methods and treatments.

Earlier than the IDEA reauthorization in 1990, autistic children were provided terms of emotional disturbance, mental retardation, or yet other health issues as soon as acknowledged by schools as requiring out of the ordinary education services. On the other hand, these terms did not actually discover the needs of an autistic child, and in the IDEA 1990 reauthorization, this disorder was affixed as a diagnostic group for the educational or school systems. Before four years, the Public Law passage demanded school systems to offer services and education to children with special needs belonging to age group of three to five and promoted the provision services to children who fall under the age of three. This took account of children diagnosed with autism and a recognized delay in development. On the other hand, the type and intensity of services were not described or classified in these regulations, and this has brought about unrelenting controversy on the subject of apposite programming.

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