Medical Fraud

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Medical Fraud

Medical Fraud


In USA, Medicare fraud is said to be a term that focuses on corporation or an individual that has acquired reimbursement in relation to Medicare health care and under pretenses that are false or fraud oriented by nature. There are numerous kinds of medical fraud but the ultimate purpose of each is to collect money in an unethical or illegitimate manner. The amount of money that is said be acquired via fraud is undetected in majority of the cases because of the fact that most fraud oriented activates are said to be done with utmost care and are untraceable.

It is the non-profit organizations that are prone to having more frauds and the premise behind it is the fact that there are lose controls when it comes to the collection, spending as well as recording of the finances which is done in a casual manner as compared to those of the business community. The nonprofit organizations sometimes indulge in ethical behavior and follow the wrong path for profit.

Fraud has been on the rise since the past decades and the communities that are charitable by nature have not said to be immune. Charles Newman, who is the Archbishop Ryan High School's former president, has said to be pleading guilty of robbing or stealing monetary value of $900,000 from an educational institution. Philadelphia Seaport Museum's former president is said to be imprisoned due to fraud of $3 million which has been done to enjoy a lavish lifestyle. Another case of Vincent Fumo who is the former state senate was also said to be convicted based on the utilization of Better Neighborhoods Citizens Alliance.

There are many aspects of healthcare fraud, these aspects includes, insurance policy fraud, medical and drug fraud. Medical fraud ranges from people pretense as doctor and working without a license, to ineffective supplement, useless or hazardous diet aids, fake medicine and cure for cancer. Through medical frauds people are making money and it has become a greed for them. Every day there are number of cases reported of medical fraud. Although, it is the responsibility of every nonprofit organization to work for people benefit and follow the ethical rules. In this paper, there will be further discussion on how people make money from medical frauds and how it has become common in nonprofit organization (Harman, 2006).

The research paper aims to discuss the greediness and unethical behavior in nonprofit organizations. The nonprofit organizations sometimes indulge in ethical behavior and follow the wrong path for profit. However, the public perceives these organizations as helping people without their own benefits, but it has been observed that these organizations found ways to make profit unethically. Nonprofit organization has to follow certain ethical considerations that are usually not followed.


Fraud in healthcare system is increasing and it is because it is the industry in US that spends more money in health and care than any other industry. In healthcare system one can do fraud related to finance, ethics and behavioral ...
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