Medical Course Work

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Medical Course Work

Medical Course Work


The COPA model has been designed to make sure that there is promotion of the comprehensive and systematic methods that can be used to determine the competencies of a certain system. This model and the related sub skills that are pretty much a part of the model are being designed to show and demonstrate that how can any achievement be completed when there is conscious effort from the people to remove the ambiguity that prevails at the moment. There is also relation with how subjectivity and inconsistency can be used meet the needs and expectations of the issues that are encountered in contemporary practice.

Application of the Model

The competency based approach has been put into use by the educators and it is being used by the educators when they need to analyze the environment at the current moment. This model is being used when there is a need to determine the content of the core competencies that can be achieved with the implmentati0on of the program (De Stampa et al, 2010). The model has many applications and it can be applied to wide array of field such as education, interactive and learning as well that involves the focus of the students. There is also assessment of the outcomes that are needed to be looked at as well as the performance assessment at that time. Thus this model has been used when there is a need for foundation to be involved in the competency outcome systems.

There are many components of the model such as philosophical, educational and strategic transitional planning (De Stampa et al, 2010). Over the course of this assignment, the implementation of this model has been done in some of the experiences that were encountered by me and how this model and some of this sub model helped me to get the better perspective of the things that are prevailing around the current environment.

Critical Skills

There are some critical skills that one should have as it helps an individual to stay ahead and carry out stuff in a better manner (Lenburg et al, 2011). Major critical skills are:


Application of the standards

Ability to discriminate

Seeking of the knowledge and information

Prediction of the output

Transfer of the knowledge

Benner's Competency Assessment 1

Experience One

There was once a patient that required hip replacement surgery and I was designated with this task with helping out the hospital administration to iron out some of the issues that are encountered during the course of the practice. There were some other roles that were assigned to me beside the nursing care.

The core competency of Copa Model that really helped me in that regard was that of Helping Skills. I had to administer her pain and take care of all the problems that were being confronted by her. The basic idea was to make sure that her pain was under control and in order to do that. I really had to administer all her medications as well as her ...
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