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Physical and Mental Health

Physical and Mental Health


Good physical and mental condition is essential to achieve better health. These two things are important to stay healthy and productive. Physical health and mental health are the result of a complex interaction between many people and environmental factors According to the definition of the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being; it is not merely the absence of disease or disability. Treating both physical and mental health problems depend upon different theories and models, on the other hand, epidemiology also help assessing the prevalence of mental illness.


WHO defines Health

It represents the extent to which a person or group can, on the one hand, to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and secondly, to adapt to its environment or change. The definition of health given by WHO is widely criticized by the health professionals as well as the researchers, but it has remained much persuasive in its impacts and its reverberations are found in majority of the welfare approaches when defining health. One of the chief attractions of this definition, as noted by Daniel Callahan, is its opposition to the dualist version of the self. It is very seldom that people make differences between the good of their selves and good of their bodies. They maintain high level of subjective well being despite having poor physical well-being. This intrinsic relationship is asserted by WHO definition.

Another usefulness of the definition lies in the identification of the relationship between physical well-being and its environmental context. It has been noticed that the disease and disability treatments have had fewer impacts on the mortality and morbidity levels of population than the usual enhancement in environmental and social conditions. Owing to this fact, it is not perverse to hold that the physical well being of people can be better served while concentrating on environment that create general well-being, rather than only considering individual's current physical condition. If the WHO definition has its usefulness, the inclusion of these well-being elements under the umbrella of health also generates substantial problems for any efforts outlining the healthcare needs.

Including happiness in the definition increases the absurdness of the definition. Happiness is perpetually attained by individuals by such individuals are rare. Most of the time human beings suffer from the disappointments, general discontent and disappointment. Determining happiness as an important characteristic of health will make the potential health needs list as expensive as human desires. In this instance, providing the healthcare services will not only be directed for maintaining the limits of situations linked with the physical well-being along with requirement of satisfying the subjective preferences of individuals.

Including mental well-being also give rise to different problems. There are instances of mental functioning conditions which would need to be included in every definition of health, such as the absence of coarse failures or rigorous cognitive functioning disturbances. However, moving beyond is not obvious. First difficulty lays with the interpretations ...
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