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Health and Social Care Level 2


Discussion Analysis3

Social worker3

Requirement of skills for each role3

Involvement of Each Skill4

The Necessity of Skills within the Role5

Health visitors5

Requirement of Skills for Each Role5

Involvement of Each Skill6

The Necessity of Skills within the Role7

Comparison of Health Visitor and Social Worker7



Health and Social Care Level 2


Social workers build the connection with people and help them to live more fruitfully under their local societies by facilitating them and finding solutions to their troubles. The social work engages not only the clients but their friends and families as well. They work intimately with different organisations which include schools, local authority departments, the police, and the probation service. It is essential that every social worker must have some certain skills which can flourish their job responsibility. The key important skills are required in the Social workers include emotionally mature, non-judgmental, objective, have strong will to aid others, sensitive in thoughts and feelings, and acceptance of entire races, community, religions and problems. On the other hand, Health visitors are qualified and experienced registered midwives or nurses. These health visitors work in the society for promoting the fine health and prevent illness. Most of the day, they spend time in visiting people at their places, particularly children and new mothers. Therefore, the role of health visitor is very sensitive as they are purely connected with the health care of new born babies, new mothers and small children.

Discussion Analysis

Social worker

Requirement of skills for each role

It has been researched that Social workers should have the capacity to be sympathetic with others; to be able to value the feelings of other people. It does not mean that one should feel as the other person feels, but it is simply a sympathy factor which eases the job of social worker. The National Occupational Standards (NOS) intend to offer a service line for understanding practice standards which must be given by a newly qualified social worker (

The key skill required in a social worker is to possess the non-judgmental behaviour. As it is important to observe that social workers are not expected to approve or agree with the behaviours and values of other people. It is crucial that social workers communicate a non-judgmental behaviour toward other people of the society.

They must be skilled to respect a right to privacy of client. By considering the privacy of a person, the social worker supports the worth and dignity of person. Social workers should be expert in making quick decisions which should fall into the ethical dilemma.

Listening skills and good communication are the basic skills required by social workers. If their interpersonal skills are not strong, they cannot growth further in their social practice. It makes easier for the people to work in a cooperative environment with social workers and understand their motives of helping them. It should be observed that there are many opportunities for the social workers to work with other professionals on interdisciplinary teams by using a team ...
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