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A contemporary Health Issue: Smoking



What is mental disorder?3

Health impacts4

Health inequalities4

Government Responsibility5

Remedies to Get Rid off5

Mentally Ill Smokers and the Tobacco Industry6

United Kingdom Health Policy7

Smoking cessation7

Policy implications8

Recommendations for health Service Providers and government9

Different Perception Regarding Smoking and Medications10

Concept of Complementary and Alternate Medicine11




A contemporary health issue in the United Kingdom is nonetheless, Smoking. Smoking has a great impact over the health of people with many mental health problems. The issue of smoking is responsible for the higher proportion of the people's mortality with mental sickness. The cessation strategies of smoking can significantly decrease the health inequalities in people. It will also improve the physical health of people in wider populations. According to the report of July 2008, the entire areas that hold mental health premises in the soil of England are now smoke free, and people have started receiving medical treatment.

A Contemporary Health Issue: Smoking


The rate of smoking with the mental health disorder is considerably higher than in the common population and there is an apparent figure which shows the close connection between mental health disorder and smoking. This close connection becomes greatly relative to the sternness of the mental disorder. It has been observed that around ten million smokers in the United Kingdom, in which about three million are found in having mental disorder. Now here is the confusion whether smoking is the effect or cause of mental disease. However, few of the researchers suggest that smoking can act as an activator for mental disorder. There are some other evidences that define that smoking might play a task in the beginning of mental ill-health. By the result of lofty smoking ratios, individuals having mental sickness also have great mortality ratios as compared to common population of England.

What is mental disorder?

Mental disorder is a complex term which defines that something is wrong with the psychological conditions of the men. It is comprised on broader symptoms which are classified by the combination of abnormal emotions, thoughts, relationships and behaviour with others. Usually mental sickness is considered by the sternness of symptoms which can be frequently diagnosed on an evaluation of the symptoms effects on its functioning. The two key diagnostic characterization used by the professionals of mental health are designed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) and the World Health Organisation's International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). In the year of 2013, the DSM is expected to update the 5th Version.

Health impacts

Smoking is considered as the biggest cause of unnecessary illness in the United Kingdom, almost 1 in 2 smokers are regularly dying on average basis. Those who have mental sickness reflected the higher level of nicotine dependency. Undoubtedly, smoking raises the high risk of growing mental issues which are linked with the huge occurrence of higher suicide rates. There is a clear connection between the rate of smoked tobacco and high amount of anxiety and depressive symptoms in mental health problems ( Nevertheless, these symptoms decrease after the cessation of smoking and moves toward the ...
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