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Role of Preoperative Evaluation in Diabetes

Role of Preoperative Evaluation in Diabetes

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There has been an alarming increase in cases of diabetes in the context of different age groups. The people affected by the ramifications arising out of diabetes are characterized by an enhanced risk of developing perioperative mortality and complications. The diabetes affected people are often characterized by a massive degree of physical stress. Thus when responding to this type of acute physical stress, specifically the stress caused by the surgery, the neuro endocrine system is likely to release counterregulatory hormones that can significantly result in insulin resistance. With the physical stress of surgery also looming, there is also a threat of acute hyperglycaemia. Thus the glucose level and insulin are likely to be affected to a great extent with the prevalence of such a huge amount of physical stress. With the suppression of insulin release, there is the occurrence of an acute hyperglycaemia. This can further result in diabetic ketoaidosis. The increasing blood glucose levels in the case of diabetic patients can result in an increased stay in the hospital before the beginning of surgery in comparison with an individual that has been admitted for surgery without the proven occurrence of diabetes. People characterized by a type 2 diabetes are often characterized by renal and cardiovascular problems that can further complicate surgery (Essig, Porter, Schneider, Debora, Lindsey, Busonero, & Kloos, 2013).

The aim of a preoperative medical assessment is to decrease the patient's anesthetic and surgical morbidity or mortality and thus to quickly transform him into appropriate functioning individuals as early as possible. It is pertinent to mention here that the perioperative risk is multifactorial and thus is a potent function of the preoperative medical condition of the patient. In addition, the perioperative condition is also characterized by the degree of invasiveness pertaining to the specific surgical procedure as well as the nature of anesthetic administered. In the implementation of a preoperative evaluation, it is very compulsory to focus on the specific risk factors pertaining to cardiac and pulmonary complications. The laboratory investigations must be ordered only when the patient's medical status indicates their need; otherwise the whole process of preoperative evaluation would not be able to achieve the desired results associated with it. Individuals lacking concomitant medical problems would require more than just a medical review. The preoperative preparation involves processes and procedures that are based on the findings of diagnostic workup as well as on the nature of expected operation (Garcia, & McFalls, 2013).

This topic is of utmost interest for us since we want to ascertain the importance of preoperative glycemic pathways in the context of different surgical mechanism adopted. We are specifically interested in the role of preoperative screening and evaluation methods as well as the use of glucose and insulin for successfully decreasing the alarming threats of diabetes. Our motivation in this topic can be ascertained from the fact that preoperative conditions are known to be of a high significance while carrying out ...
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