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Development in Children and Young People

Development in Children and Young People

Answer 1:

It is important that students are provided various time points, multiplying their learning opportunities and diversifying the methods used because, well, it allows students to apply the knowledge they will acquiring, exercise and control them in the learning and skills develop, getting frequent feedback on progress and difficulties achieved.

Consistency between the assessment and the learning and skills desired, the resulting need of using tools and methods Suitable assessment of the diversity of the nature of learning and each of them, well as the contexts in which they occur, special attention to the development of the student over basic education and the promotion of social trust in the information that the school transmit (Lanham, 2010, pp. n.d.).

The fact of using various criteria stop classifying evaluation methods has given rise to a wide variety of classifications and some inaccuracy terminology (Lanham, 2010, pp. n.d.). Looking to avoid it and based on the strategies and processes used by the student, as well as in their performance, we propose the following classification:

Observation of the strategies and processes used (informally or so Structured)

Testing and other forms of written production

Communication and oral questioning

Practical work

Field work / projects

The performance of small jobs with practical training purposes may be a privileged form of intervention in student learning is fundamental to the definition of strategies and reorientation reinforcing both the positive effects arising from the use of corrective feedback, or by multiplying the learning opportunities provided, and also by other types of interactions that occur during or because of the evaluation in processes of teaching and learning (Lanham, 2010, pp. n.d.). Without concern to describe all the activities / learning tasks that students perform, remember some of them

Reading and interpretation of texts

Discussion and debate of issues and / or problems

Research activities (consultation of encyclopedias and works of various types and various props, collecting information from various persons and entities and other sources, research internet)

Written work (chips, testing, reporting, producing creative texts of projects, responding to questionnaires, etc.

Games (games functional rule games, role plays, among many others)

Use of ICT (information and communication) and several other material resources, as a means of communication

Practical (application, laboratory manuals and other)

Physical activity, speech, visual, musical and other.

Answer 2:

The children's cooperation was benefitted on the groundwork of the degree to which they were answerable for tackling the issue and was identified with the moms' framework discourse, with thought given to the variables mother's formal educating and the children's cognitive and dialect development (Ziegenfuss, 2008, pp. 134). The outcomes uncover the moms, who embraced the general direction discourse script, in the meta-cognitive model the tests were more incessant, while in the arrangement without a model it was the cognitive intercession moderately that is utilized more frequently. In any case, there was no huge relationship between the talk of the moms, who utilized larger amount meta-cognitive or cognitive tests and the children's interest in the errands. These outcomes are talked over regarding the youngster and mother variables ...
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