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Communicating in Health and Social Care Organizations

Communicating in Health and Social Care Organizations

Healthcare communication plays a great role in society. Healthcare communication includes the study and practice of communication strategies to improve individual and health, life quality and also to prevent illness or disease. The area of research and practice in healthcare communication is gradually pacing up over the last few decades (Thompson, et al. 2003, pp. n.d.). Lack of effective communication may negatively affect the accurate results. It may happen for several reasons, such as inefficient response to the query of patients, not determining the cultural or other special needs of clients, and lag in data communication and its ineffective use.

Part I: Interpersonal communication in Health and Social Care Settings


Interpersonal communication between patient and physician plays a vital role in healthcare communication. It is about satisfying patient, meeting their needs, replying to their queries in a timely manner, and prescribing a proper treatment. If doctors fail to meet any of the mentioned or any other needs of patients, patients often feel dissatisfied (Shaller, 2007, pp. 1-21). Where the patient left hospital unsatisfied because firstly the doctor arrived late and secondly, she felt that the doctor did not attend her so well. She felt that she did not get the opportunity to raise her voice about her health issue and she had to left with a negative experience. In this situation, communication problem between patient and the doctor is evident.

Effective communication between patient and healthcare provider is one of the most essential factors for improving compliance, satisfaction, and health outcomes. Patients who are aware of their own illness, as well as the potential treatment, and who deem the interest from a physician about their well-being, show more satisfaction towards the care received. They are also most likely to follow the treatment regimes (Northhouse, and Northhouse, 2003, pp. n.d.). Likewise, patient's expectations from their physician to listen them carefully and empathetically; and physician's expectation with patients to understand their prescription immediately, are also considered being an important factor in ineffective communication (O'Daniel and Rosenstein, n.d., pp. 1-14). Lack of privacy and the time constraints on both sides is also involved in such factors.

In contrast of the ineffective communication, better communication makes a way towards extended dialogues. On one hand, it enables patients to disclose crucial information about their disease; on the other hand, effective communication helps physicians accurately diagnose and treat the illness. Similarly, if an effective communication had occurred in the given scenario, the patient might ask the doctor regarding the cause of her skin problem. Due to the apparent lack of concern from the physician's side left patient unsatisfied (Thompson, et al. 2003, pp. n.d.). This dissatisfaction may bring different consequences, for example, wrong diagnose, incorrect prescription from the doctor or not taking treatment seriously on patient's side.

Communication in healthcare settings is effective when it brings five possible outcomes. These outcomes include; 1) enabling the patient in disclosing enough information regarding disease for a precise diagnosis; 2) physician or ...
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