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Media Text

Media Text


The media is divided into two broad segments, the print media and the electronic media. The print media includes all the newspapers and related items. On the other hand, the electronic media includes all the TV channels, entertainment channels, movies and dramas. Most of us today usually engage more with the electronic media as compared with the print media. Most of the people prefer to watch the quick updates as compared to reading the newspapers (Meyer & Hinchman,2002). Similarly, the movies that are watched are also part of the media. In this essay, there be analysis and discussion of the text of the movie “gravity”. This movie has been recently released and gained a lot of popularity.Theer will also be the discussion of the purpose and the effectiveness of the text of this movie. Besides, there will also be analysis that whether the text achieves its perceived goal or not.


The movie begins with the text “Alfonso Cuaron's Gravity”. This story is very interesting as it is quite different from the conventional movies. This movie will take you 600 kilometers from the earth, and you will be lost in the blackness of space. When the people saw that on the screen. They screamed that “life is impossible in the space”. The film starts with the shot of the earth and shows three Astronauts. The three astronauts are George Clooney, Sandra Bullock and Paul Sharma. The initial dialogue of Clooney was not very impressive and did not get the intended purpose (Brad Brevit, 2013). Similarly, Paul Sharma tries to be funny in the movie, but he also fails to get the desired results from the audience. It was the first mission of the Clooney and she had not idea that how frightened her first mission will be. In the movie, the Russian satellite was destroyed intentionally. But they had no idea that how dangerous it can be. When they tried to destroy the Russian satellite its debris suddenly felt on the Explorer they had to vacate it within seconds else they will get affected severely.

The opening sequence of the movie goes on without a single visible edit. The horror begins the shuttle is destroyed by the debris of Russian satellite. Due to this incident, lost his life the stone fell apart in the outer space. At this time, the voice of the Kowalsky is heard who asks his partner to ...
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