Media Production Visual Project

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Media Production visual project

Media Production visual project


Red color is the symbol of action, adventure, aggression, blood, danger, energy, excitement, love, passion, strength and vigor. This is a warm color and intense, very used to demonstrate conflicting emotions such as love and passion( Nye, 1981). This color usually affects blood pressure and hungry, so it is often used to incite strong emotions or the desire to eat.

For Scene 1

Humans, however, do not realize the whole process of generating and releasing energy. To explain this fact, Freud describes three levels of consciousness (Nye, 1981).

The conscious which includes all phenomena that at any given time can be perceived by the individual conscious way

The preconscious refers to phenomena that are not aware at any given time, but can become, if the person you want to deal with them;

The unconscious with respect to the phenomena and content that are not aware, and only under very special circumstances can become.

By understanding the concept of the unconscious becomes clear understanding of motivation in classical psychoanalysis: Many desires, feelings and motives are unconscious because they are many painful to become aware. However this unconscious content influences the conscious experience of the person, for example, through slips , seemingly irrational behaviors, emotions inexplicable fear, depression , guilt. Thus, feelings, dreams, desires and motives unconscious influence and guide the conscious behavior. Katie also felt the same when she was afraid as she was dying or also the fear of the loss of the man which was close to her. It believes that conflicts are part of human development therefore seeks to describe the causes of mental disorders. The system brought the Freudian concept of the unconscious in a theory of sexuality. Structured psychic apparatus like an iceberg, where the submerged unconscious as it is not controlled voluntarily. The unconscious concerns phenomena and content that are not aware, and only under very special circumstances can become.

Dreams are seen as symbolic expression of unconscious contents. Many wishes, feelings and motivations are unconscious, but can influence and guide the conscious behavior.

The psychic apparatus, in Freudian theory, is composed of three structural levels that make up the personality (Nye, 1981).

For Scene 2

The ego develops from the id in order to allow their impulses are efficient, i.e., taking into account the external world: it's called the reality principle. It is this principle which introduces the reason, planning ...