Media Plan Rationale & Measurement

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Media Plan Rationale & Measurement

Media Plan Rationale & Measurement

Selection of media channel and timing in Media Plan Matrix


Print ads for green burgers on Amarillo were used because they would literate a wide range of public. They can review and read those ads again and again. They were given in January and September to provide a reminder to the newspaper readers (UWI, 2011).

Television ads were given on PBC because it provides the news through graphical announcements via bulletin boards. They were given in January, May, November, and December because televisions prove to be the most attractive medium for majority of the public.

Radio ads were given on KAVW because ads through this media can reach several people at the same time.

Internet ads were given on because it processes and browses pages automatically. Advertisements can be done on the website at a very low cost.

Mobile phones ad on all Samsung smart phones and Nokia phones were given in order to attract the target audience of teenagers because they get attracted by such packages sent to them through their mobile phones.

Hoardings, posters and boards ads were given that were sponsored by PBC because such advertisements can target general as well as specific public.

Direct Marketing

Direct Mail was used as a direct marketing technique for US international packaging company because it sells a product packaged in an envelope providing a retail store environment to him. This method was carried out in January, August and December because it provides a reminder to the customer regarding the products and provides useful benefits to the customer as well as the company (Jones, n.d.).

Telemarketing was done on Dunlap marketing because it can gauge the interests of customers immediately through telephones. It was done in February, July and November because it is a cheap way of marketing and provides great return on investment.

Direct Response ads were given on Koeppel Direct because the customer is urged to respond directly and immediately to the advertising person.

Direct selling was done ebay in April and September because this is an extremely cheap method of selling and the sales person gets to meet the prospective buyer in real time.

Direct marketing was done through website on internet because it is also one of the cheap methods of marketing and the person gets to meet the prospective buyer in real time.

Catalogues were provided to the customer through TxSmartBuy so that they can go through the specifications of the product and select their desired products based on their interests. They can take help from the marketing person directly who provides them the catalogues.

Sales Promotion

Coupons were sent to customers through the e-coupons website as it offers short-term purchasing incentives for the trade as well as consumers.

Sampling was carried out by Texas sampling Inc. in February and August as it provides customer a chance to experience the product by getting a free sample.

Premium slips were provided to customers through Allen as they highlight a free offer.

Contests were carried out on undefeated eating challenges in May and December in order ...
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