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Media Law Assignment

Media Law Assignment

For a filmmaker the most confusing area is dealing with the legal issues involved. The movie making process involves a lot of contracts, legal documentation, and also lawsuits in some unfortunate situation. Hence it is important to look for a good lawyer who can help and guide in this regard. While talking about the book called, “The Private Life of Satan's Public Servant” which is the sensation of the year 2014. It is based on the story of a senior Government Minister who is a confidential member of devil worshipping coven. After reading the book I have an idea of directing a feature film which will be based on the Minister's story. The source of the story or material comes to the director / producer of the film in numerous ways such as it can be based on a true life story, it can be based on an article, a novel, a past historical event or any verbal idea. When it comes to taking an option over the book, the director or producer's involvement is necessary and they have to make sure that they do not breach or infringe the writer's copy right. Copyright is a protection form which is provided by the laws of the country or states (Title 17, U.S. Code) to the author who has the original work authority that includes, dramatic, artistic and some other logical and scholarly works. If the author's literary work is his original idea or creation then it protected automatically under the law of copyright ( But if someone's work is based on other materials like a real story or true novel in such a situation one does not own a copyright under that material because that work or material existed before you started writing or producing it. However, you do own a copyright when it comes to your additions and establishment of new ideas. Copyright made a possession in an abstract function, which really gives assurance to the holder from any unauthorized utilization of the copyright possessor's material. Provided that the copyright of a possessor is violated it is called infringement which is against the law. Infringement could be portrayed as when the possessor has all the right to sue unauthorized duplicating and modifications of his / her function. They key to show infringement is to make resemblance between the works and that the infringer had right of entry to the work before they start writing on the paper. The watchman to any infringement suit clearly is to exhibit the self-governing handling of the material. One ought to be aware that it is normal to permit the rights of songs for films and if an established song is quoted at length in a movie and is also serves as the basis of the movie's script then permission is necessary. One should not plan to make someone else's story or song a key part of the movie one wants to ...
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