Media Focus On Sexuality

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Media Focus on Sexuality

Media Focus on Sexuality

Scholarly Article

Adolescent And Parent Perceptions Of Media Influence On Adolescent Sexuality

It is important to note the fact that media influences and televisions control the behaviors and attitudes of people to a great extent, particularly during the stage of adolescence. What the adolescents form at that time in terms of behavior and attitude remains with them for the rest of their lives. In order to study the extent to which pop media has an influence over the people when it comes to sexuality, it is pertinent to conduct surveys in which people, and specially adolescents are told to rank the importance of a certain set of factors like peers, media, and parents. Data was taken from such type of focused groups and is reviewed in this article, and empirical research was conducted to determine the extent to which adolescents identified media as a source of influence on behaviors that were sexual.

The research that was conducted showed that adolescents appeared indifferent about influences of media, and thus it was mentioned in only one of the focus groups of adolescents. However, people other than adolescents such as the parents of adolescents raised a great deal of concern about influences of media. It is pertinent to make the adolescents aware about the concerns of media which needs to be done by sexuality educators and parents, and only then can the behavior which is influenced by media can be changed.

One of the main reasons why people and adolescents in particular, are able to get so much influenced by media when it comes to sexuality is because they have easy access to it and can use it from their own bedrooms in isolation. If there were strict controls imposed and parents had the authority to keep a check on what their children viewed, then the viewing of sexualized content on internet, television and in magazines could be controlled to a great extent. But with the ease and comfort with which such content is available now and is aimed at sexualizing people, it seems impossible to stop it or even control it, for the least.

Media article

Media Cited for Showing Girls as Sex Objects

This media article has also focused on how the media portrays girls as objects of sex and depicts them in a manner that is sexually explicit. The media images and advertising is responsible for encouraging the girls to place emphasis on their look and sexuality, which in turn proves to be detrimental to the girls' physical and emotional health (American Psychological Association).

This article discussed a research study which was carried out for analyzing different studies and inculcated a wide variety of media sources, such as movies and television to lyrics of songs, and studied how advertising shows doll clothes where bodies are visible. Such products are aimed at tweens and pre-schoolers and the dolls are depicted to pose in ways in the magazines that are explicit. Apart from that, the young celebrities whom the young generation of ...
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