Media Democracy

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Media Democracy and Public Debate

Media Democracy and Public Debate

Media Democracy

Media freedom and strong democracy helps the state to fight against political corruption. With relation to the case study, authors have concluded that Media freedom and strong democracy is a substitute to reduce the political corruption. In this discussion, we have studied what media democracy is all about and how it has worked along since ages by either supporting or being critical over democracy. Media democracy includes numerous concepts that promote the mass media, and strengthen public service broadcasting, while getting involved with in alternative media and journalism (Grbesa, 2003, p.23). The aimed purpose for media democracy is to devise a mass media system that empowers all the members who are part of the society, to enhance their democratic principles.

Super Injunction

In England and Wales, injunctions, whose existence and details can not be disclosed, in addition to the facts or allegations which cannot be revealed, have been published, but have been given the informal name of superinjunctions.

One example was the superinjunction raised in September 2009 by lawyers Carter-Ruck on behalf of Trafigura oil, which prohibits the presentation of an internal Trafigura scandal in 2006 Cote d'Ivoire dump toxic waste. The existence of the superinjunction is revealed only when mentioned in a parliamentary question was subsequently distributed through Internet. Before he could be challenged in court, the injunction was then varied to allow notification of the issue. By long legal tradition, parliamentary proceedings may be submitted without any restrictions. Parliamentary procedures are covered by secrecy, but the notice of those proceedings in the newspapers only covered by qualified privilege. Another example of the use of a superinjunction was in a defamation case in which a plaintiff who claimed he was defamed by family members in a dispute over a multimillion pound family trust obtained anonymity for himself and his family.

Leveson Inquiry on Media Democracy

Leveson considered that the press has so far acted as if its code of conduct “never existed”, which has damaged the “innocent people”. At the same time, the judge criticized the relationship between politicians and the media during the last twenty years, he considered very close, calling it “harmful”. He said he came to these conclusions because, in his judgment, protect the interest of the people, while he made clear that there was “any” of political influence. This investigation began in September 2011 and was ordered by Prime Minister David Cameron, following the scandal over illegal eavesdropping carried out by the Sunday “News of the World”, closed last year.

Main recommendations of the Leveson report

These are the main recommendations of the report of the British judge Brian Leveson about 'culture, practices and ethics of the press “, released (Leveson-lord justice, 2012).

The Leveson report proposes the creation of a new independent body to regulate the press, backed by legislation that is “free from any influence by the industry and government”

The new agency would have the power to block the publication of news, although they may request corrections or apologies and fines ...
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