Media And Violence

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Are people becoming de-sensitized to violence because of exposure to violence in film, television and video games? Desensitization of People to Violence Because Of Exposure to Violence in Film, Television and Video Games


Media undoubtedly has changed the world and how people view real life in the light of thoughts and values engraved by media in the minds of people. Films, video games, and hundreds of channels on television to choose plug the airways. With these viewing alternatives, deciding on what content to be watched has become a concern of renowned importance. Violence and aggression portrayed in video games and television is definitely changing the individual's behaviours towards the real life violence and destruction (Dworkin, 1996, pp. 1).

According to the American Centre of Media and Public Affair, an American child is exposed to approximately forty thousand killings and two hundred thousand scenes of violence on television and films by the age of eighteen. These statics present a horrible picture, and it is no wonder that the question crops up, what influences does watching these violent acts on media have on real life violence aggressive behaviours (Latane´ & Darley, 1968, pp. 215-221).

However, the literature review shows mixed thoughts of researchers and analysts. Some studies show that watching violence on television, films and video games desensitize people in real life violence. While, there is another group of the psychologist and media specialist who believe that violence in media causes aggression in people and activates the emotions. It has made people sensitive with other far reaching negative effects (Latane´ & Darley, 1970, pp. 3). The essay critically analyses the arguments presented in favour of both views. Debate Favour

Those who are in favour of the topic believe that violence in media desensitizes individuals, making them nonresponsive towards real violence. People get accustomed to these acts of aggression and violence and grow to be psychologically insensitive to it. Various studies prove the statement correct. The evidences, including reports by the American Psychological Association, National Institute of Mental Health, and the Surgeon General indicate to the inference that exposure to violence in the media can cause a person to be accepting of it (Linz et al, 1989, pp. 15, 509-522).

One of the studies, conducted by psychology professor at the University of Michigan, is authentic evidence in favour of the arguments. He tested 500 college students, including both males and females. According to their preferences, the college students were shown video games of violent and nonviolent actions. Their blood pressures and the heartbeat were recorded after watching the video for twenty minutes.

The same participants were then shown the videos of real life violence, taken from courtrooms, police confrontation, prisons fights, and shootings. The results of the studies were exactly as expected. While watching the actual videos of violence, the participants that played violent games had less surprising responses than those who had played nonviolent games. Apart from this, the participants who had played violent games had a lower rate of heart beat ...
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