Media And Its Influences On Young Adults

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Media and Its Influences on Young Adults

Media and Its Influences on Young Adults


The modern world has brought with itself numerous gifts and endowments for its inhabitants. What the modern world relishes today, could not have been imagined by the people living centuries ago. Let it be the incessant development in the field of science and technology or the ever decreasing distances between the countries and their cultures, the modern world has undoubtedly rendered a lifestyle to us that completely distinguish the inhabitants from the people of ancient time. A vital part of this new and modern lifestyle is the media. Not only has the media, over time become an integral part of our lives, but has also played a pivotal role in influencing them.


Technically the term media is defined as the transmission of the desired information electronically via the innovations made by the mankind over time, in shape of television, radio, newspaper, and cinema, and now even the internet. The term widely associated with the media is the Mass media; mass media are an integral facet of media, which fulfils the purpose of catering to the larger audience, via the gadgets, mentioned earlier. Media entails the technical distribution and reception of information and the respective subject matter. There are numerous purposes of media, for some it is the mode of gaining information, and for others, it is the purpose of attaining entertainment.

Comparison of Old Media and New Media

What differentiates between the eras of media, and label them as the old or the new media, is the level of advancements attained and the increase in the technicality in the formulation and production of the Medias. Moreover, ever since the technology has advanced, not only has the level of technicality escalated, but also with every passing era, the world is witnessing new gadgets and modes of communication employed by the media.

Now, a common question arises in a cognitive mind that what exactly is meant by the old media. Old media refer to the time and era, when the world had not progressed this much as it has today, but the journey of the development; however, had begun. The primary focus rested till the attainment of the information, in the form of news; and the responsibility of entertainment was subjected to mainly the theatres and local dramas. The biggest sources or the gadgets of the old media encompassed the newspapers and radio. Both these aspects and the gadgets were the biggest sources of news, and the latest happenings in the society (Gunther, 1998).

However, as discussed earlier, as time progressed, so did the media, and with this passing time media not only became advanced, but also excessively powerful. Now what the new media comprise of are the cable TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, cinemas, movies, documentaries, mass communication, emails, online websites, social networking software, video games and much more. The biggest feature of the new media rests in the fact that it enables the person to access the content of his/her choice, at the chosen and ...
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