Media And Communications

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Media and Communications

Media and Communications

Media and Communications

Part One

There is a question which needs to be answered that states “What are the main arguments behind the claim that researching the production of popular music “involves studying an entertainment industry rather that simply music companies” and how far does this still hold true in 2011? The arguments that are there in the favour of popular music which involves studying an entertainment industry especially this year are, the entertainment industry is using social media with increasing force to enhance its relationship with users. It is simply not just about gathering a large number of followers or to use the platforms to share their innovations, the industry is using social sites to generate new forms of distribution of its products that allow users to access their content a much more convenient way.

The central example that has been around the web in recent weeks is that Warner Bros. Recently, the U.S. study Facebook launched a microsite through which people can rent for $ 3, the film "The Dark Night." For now, the system is being tested, so this film is only available and can only be viewed in the United States. However, over the months, it has not only extended the catalogue but also the number of studies that this system will use to distribute their films. In fact, Sony Pictures has already expressed its intention to begin offering its movies through Facebook. Thus, the majors are beginning to use social media as a tool not only for promotion but also for marketing, and could enter direct competition with online rental sites like Hulu and Netflix. So, all these actions by the Entertainment industry has gained much more popularity as compare to the famous music companies. (Abrahmson, 2002, pp.255-274)

Part 2

First question that needs to be answered in Part two is the key defining features of qualitative and quantitative forms of research. The aim of any science is gaining knowledge and choosing the appropriate method that allows people to know the reality is therefore essential. The problem appears to accept as true the wrong knowledge or vice versa. Inductive and deductive methods have different objectives and could be summarized as developing the theory and analysis of theory respectively. Inductive methods are generally associated with qualitative research while the deductive method is often associated with quantitative research. (Flick, 1998, pp.156-165)

Quantitative research is one in which data is collected and analyzes quantitative variables. Qualitative research prevents quantification. Qualitative researchers make narrative records of the phenomena being studied by techniques such as participant observation and unstructured interviews. The fundamental difference between both methods is that quantitative studies the association or relationship between quantified and qualitative variables do structural and situational contexts. Qualitative research seeks to identify the underlying nature of reality, its relations system, and its dynamic structure. Quantitative research attempts to determine the strength of association or correlation between variables, generalization, and objectivity of the results through a sample to make inference to a population sample from which ...
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