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Media influence the decision and behavior of the population of the UK

Media influence the decision and behavior of the population of the UK

Popular types of media in the United Kingdom

There are a lot of types of media which are commonly used in the United Kingdom but some of the most popular types of media are electronic media, social networking and print media. Media is a source of providing information and keeping people update from current happenings. There are a lot of ways through the functions of the media can be evaluated.

Electronic media

The electronic media in the United Kingdom is run through T.V channels. It is considered to be the most influential media in the United Kingdom as all the current trends and fashions are transfer mainly through this media. The electronic media gives a lot of information is a very diversified manner. The news channels provide current information regarding the country and the talk show gives a thorough analysis on the current situation of the country and as well as helps to connect the people globally (Carey, 2009). 

Social networking

In these days, the most popular media in the United Kingdom is social networking through internet. There are a lot of websites over internet through which the people of the United Kingdom keep in touch with all their surroundings and the society. According to them, the social networking is the most favorable place to keep in touch with their social world locally as well as globally. The websites like face book, twitter, and orkut are the most popular social networking sites in the United Kingdom.

Print media

Print media has become the most influencing source of media over the year in the United Kingdom. There are many popular news papers which are published in the United Kingdom. The people in the United Kingdom largely read those newspapers and get useful information. The trend of news papers has been decreased but still there are a lot of sections of the society who read the newspapers with interest (McQuail, 2004). 

Impact of media on human behavior

There has been a lot of change in human behavior noticed in the United Kingdom due to influence of media. There is not any doubt that the media largely influences the human behavior. Especially internet has played a major role in transforming the behavior of the people. In these different kinds of ways, Internet communication is being used more and more ...
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