Measure While Drilling (Mwd)

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Measure While Drilling (MWD)

Measure While Drilling (MWD)

Description of the Measurement While Drilling

The drilling activity has become very difficult for most of the workers as the horizontal and directional drills have increased in numbers. The activity related to the well logging also needs to adapted by the workers and require some improvement as well. The concept of Measurement While Drilling is referred as the type of well logging that incorporates the measurement tools into the drill string. It also provides real time information to give assistance while steering with drill. The picture showing the mechanism of Measurement While Driving is mentioned in the following paragraph.

Figure 1: Measurement While Driving

Mechanism of Measurement While Drilling

When the well angle is exceeded above the sixty degrees, the logging tools become hard to be pushed from the well in order to acquire the useful data. This makes the modern logging equipment quite unsuccessful as a result. The original formation of the measurement while driving was carried out in the entire decade of the 80s in order to overcome the challenges of different tools that is used to get drilled at extreme angles. There are numerous elements of the MWD that is comprised under single module. It occurs during the major tool activity of the drill string that is carried out at the end of the drilling apparatus. The position during the drilling matters considerably. This is the reason why the wellbore position is provided to comprise of the drill bit information and also the directional data. The inclusion of the real time drilling also matters under such cases (Finch, 2002).

The MWD uses different types of tools such as gyroscopes, magnetometers and accelerometers for carrying out the determination of the specific borehole activities related to the drilling operations. The data is then further passed towards ...