Measles Prevention

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Measles Prevention

Measles Prevention


The main purpose of this paper is to critique the responses of health promotion agents, media, public health, government and general public to the contemporary public health/health promotion issue. The paper also analyzes the media response against the health promotion issue along with the responses of government and public. The paper also highlight on the public health and promotional theories and the personal opinion regarding the suggestions and policies. The health issue chosen for this paper is the rise of Measles in United Kingdom.


The disease of Measles is increasing in United Kingdom and along with its harmful consequences. The number of deaths in UK is continuously increasing due to the increased rate of Measles in United Kingdom. The number of deaths due to Measles has become a very serious issue in United Kingdom and the government and healthcare agencies are taking serious notice on this issue (Dixon, 2004, p. 23). Given below is an overview of the Measles in United Kingdom and the critique on the responses of different group of people including the health promotion agents, media, public health, government and general public.

Analysis of Media Response

The response of media against the issue of Measles has been badly criticized in United Kingdom. One of the lecturers of United Kingdom has reported his criticism on the media response against the measles issue. As per the different analysts, the media has not given the positive response against the increase of measles issue in United Kingdom. The issue of measles was very serious in United Kingdom as it was becoming the main reason behind the increased death of children mainly; therefore, there was a great need that the media of United Kingdom would have shown the sensible response against the measles issue (Kelly, 2004b, p. 12). One of the spokesmen has claimed that the epidemic of measles would not have been reported in the newspapers. One of the media representative said that media has portrait the issue of measles epidemic in a very wrong sense and has shown a wrong picture of the measles epidemic. The report presented by a newspaper has raised the concerns about the creation of link between autism and MMR. Thus, the report of the media has been taken as the misleading and the dishonest report. The main reason behind such wrong report was the personal financial interest of the reporter in which he promoted various single vaccines (Millward, 2003, p. 76). Thus, it was very necessary that media would have forgot its personal obligations and claims and would have reacted in a positive manner for this issue as this was a very serious issue of the time.

Since a long time media has been under strong controversy due to it's reporting on the issue of measles epidemic. The media reporting on United Kingdom have always been reported due to its irresponsible response of the media. The media reporters have taken the financial benefits from different clinics and have promoted the wrong injections and ...
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