Meaning Of Life

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Meaning of Life

Meaning of Life


The meaning of life concerns the significance and purpose of life and its existence in general. The perception is expressed through different questions like, “Where are we?” “What is life all about?” “What are we doing here?” “What does it all mean?” etc. This topic has been under most of the scientific, theological and philosophical considerations throughout the history. A number of theorists have tried to give an answer to these question based on cultural and ideological theories (Baumeister, 2001).

There is one important function in our lives and that is friendship. Friends are very important and they can help you find the significance of life by helping you to rise above challenges and bring happiness into your life. According to Aristotle, "a friend is a single soul dwelling in two bodies." People care about meaning of life as human beings know that they are mortal. People are aware of the fact that their life is short and it will end somehow. The meaning of life is highly mixed with the religious and philosophical conceptions of social ties, happiness, existence, and consciousness. It touches numerous other issues such as, ontology, ethics, evil, good, free will, value the existence of God, purpose of life, symbolic meanings, the soul, conceptions of God and the afterlife (Baumeister, 2001).

The contributions from science focus more on explaining facts related to empirical evidences about the universe. Science has also provided it suggestions for the search of well-being and related perception about the mortality. There is an alternative approach of the question: What is the meaning of life? That is the ultimate reality, or the feeling of sacredness or oneness.

One of the significant difficulties that we encounter in this search for life is a precise definition of exactly what we mean by "life." Some of the criteria that we might normally assign to life, i.e., it grows, it utilizes and metabolizes energy, it reproduces, etc., are actually quite well satisfied by fire. When it comes to discussions of life elsewhere, then, what we normally do is restrict the discussions to "life as we know it" since, by definition, we don't know what is meant by "life not as we know it (Bhambar, 2010)."

Travelling Pertaining The Meaning Of Life

Every person gets busy in his or her life in order to establish of him or herself. They plan to get a job and discover his or her core competencies in order to rise to a particular position. Then he or she pursues the challenges and the odds that one has to face to achieve a better life and livelihood. Then there come a thought of having a family and moving on with children. All this time, people keep on running to achieve higher goals; they keep working in order to achieve their goals. Moving through ups and downs of life and facing all the challenges that come across. At some point of life, every one of us has been through all ...
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