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Compulsory voting, less binding vote is a legal obligation of the voters to take part in the voting. Historically, it appeared as a means to combat absenteeism of voters into voting for high turnout in the election and, as a result, virtually eliminates not productive outcome of the electoral process. However, a side effect of these measures is the lack of self-interest of the voter to the election, calling into question the sincerity and validity of its expression. Therefore, the question of how legitimate so elected government, remains a subject of discussion in the framework of the constitutional law (Rosenfeld, 2011). This paper would focus on the study of the aspect of having the requirement by law for all citizens to vote.

By implementing the law of compulsory voting, it can be made sure that the results of an election are reflectant of the decision of all the people of a country and the elected government represents the decision of the entire country.


Should voting be compulsory?

For eleven weeks before the election, we can not know who will win. But almost certainly it can be said that the turnout will be null and void, and the results will be not only the mandate of the voters, how many non-representative sample of about half of the electorate turnout could be enhanced by a set of reforms - to register on Election Day to vote at the weekend. But we need to start with the most fundamental - the introduction of compulsory voting (Rosenfeld, 2011).

Compulsory voting would make the election valid in every sense of the word. Sauce "protect integrity of our elections", the Republicans cynically fed restrictive laws on identity cards of voters adopted in Pennsylvania and other states. But if we were really important for the integrity of the election, we would have worked hard to reflect the will of all those who have the right to vote. Secondly, according to William Galston of the Brookings Institution, it would have smoothed the polarization of our politics. Characterized by the dominance of the current electorate diehard followers of one or the other party, the percentage of independent and moderate is too low. The vote supporters of all political orientations and our political leaders are very closely monitoring the mood of voters, would move to where the voices away from extremes. More to respond to the younger, lower-income and less educated Americans who currently do not go to the polls. Thirdly, compulsory voting would encourage more Americans to ensure that is attentive to the suggestions. Those of us who mourn the lack of civic knowledge, usually focus on the supply side: do you need more to educate people on the issues of citizenship (Rosenfeld, 2011). Compulsory voting would be a stimulus for the demand side, saying more voters learn about what they choose (as well as a call for recruits gives an incentive to know what, he will fight).

There are many arguments against compulsory voting, each of which reflects a lack of ...