Mcluhan Statement

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McLuhan Statement - The Medium Is The Message

McLuhan Statement - The Medium Is The Message


The Herbert Marshall McLuhan was the Canadian philosopher who proposed the theory of the communication by emphasizing upon the importance of the message. The overall efforts of the McLuhan on the topic of the media, communication and the message are considered as the corner stone that have assisted the industries in the application of advertising and the medium. The McLuhan is well recognized for inventing the expressions of the medium and for introducing the concept of the globe village in the light of the importance of the message and the medium. The McLuhan has also the honor to predict the concept of the World Wide Web (www) before the World Wide Web was originally developed. The major electronically invention, the internet, is because of the efforts of the McLuhan, by which billions of people across the world are getting advantage of it.

The following section aims at discussing in detail about the McLuhan statement which involves that “The medium is the message”.


The McLuhan statement “The medium is the message” was published in the year 1967 and this statement was the one that got well recognition. The millions of the copies of the article were sold all around the world in which this valued statement of the McLuhan was published. In the statement “The medium is the message”, the McLuhan used the term 'message' in order to signify the result each medium that imposes upon the human senses. McLuhan has proposed that the human gets the effect of the number of medium and they get the messages according to the medium that they chose or that comes in their way. The McLuhan has discussed the impact and effect of the voice, writing, as well the effect of the electric media on individuals and on society. Because of the reason that McLuhan has given the importance to the societies, the theory of the McLuhan cannot be neglected or forgotten at any cost.

It has been proposed by the McLuhan that medium has significant impact upon the message that is received by the humans in the societies. The medium affects the societies by effecting their perceptions and their behaviors form the messages that are delivered over the medium with the distinctive characteristics of the medium. This concept of the McLuhan is adopted by people in order to make the message and communication effective on the television, on the print media and on the internet. It has been highlighted by the McLuhan that if the importance of the medium is overlooked, then it creates the difficulty for the individuals in the societies in interpreting the true message conveyed by the medium. The most significant theory behind the statement that “the medium is the message” is that the medium by which the message and the content is delivered, plays a significant role in the way the message is perceived by the individuals.

The significant differences among the mediums and their impacts can ...