Mcdonald's Research Report

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Unit Nine: McDonalds Research Report

[Name of the institute]McDonalds Research Report

Table of Contents

Executive Summary3


Secondary Research Overview5



Conclusion and Recommendations8



McDonalds Research Report

Executive Summary

The era in which we love today is an era that can be defined as rapidly changing age. In this world everything is changing at a rapid pace. In this rapidly changing world, it becomes difficult for an organization to thrive on competition and attain competitive advantage. In this scenario, to stay in the market it is essential for organizations to introduce new products from time to time according to the needs and wants of the customers. America's renowned fast food chain McDonalds is also required to face intense competition. In order to deal with this competition a research is conducted about which type of new products that McDonalds can offer to its customers to build its market. One of the areas in the fast food field that is identified to enter for McDonalds is to launch products for health conscious customers and to enter the field of diet food.

This field to launch the diet food and target the market of health conscious people is selected because of three reasons. These three reasons are as follows:

The rate of obesity is drastically increasing in United States. In this increased percentage of obesity role of junk food is considered as very important. Thus, people are moving away from junk foods

People are becoming more and more health conscious

To increase the revenue and attain competitive advantage by targeting a specific and niche market


In this constantly changing world, where changes are taking place because of technological advancements and developments organizations have adopted the strategy of targeting specific and niche markets so that they can keep their products updated according to the needs and wants of the customer. When an organization operates in a niche market it becomes easy for that organization to alter and update the product line. This is because a niche market is very specific and it is easy to gauge changes, needs and wants of the customers. This becomes extremely important when it comes to the fast food restaurant industry. In the fast food restaurant industry the competition that is prevalent is of cut throat nature. In this neck to neck competitive arena only that organization would survive that would rely on the phenomenon of product differentiation. Using this strategy of product differentiation, the area that is chosen for McDonalds is to enter the field of diet food. In this field there are scores of products that McDonalds can offer to the customers. Few of the products that McDonalds can offer to its customers are discussed as follows:

Brown Bread Sandwiches: Sandwiches and burgers are the products that are the identity of McDonalds. Brown bread is an integral part of the diet of the people who care about their health and fitness. Making sandwiches from these brown breads and adding fresh vegetables would be a perfect ingredient for perfect health.

Salads: McDonalds should add up fresh vegetables and fruit salads in their ...
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