Q1) Discuss whether you believe that McDonald's introducing healthier food items will significantly help curb the obesity epidemic. Be sure to cite facts (and not just your opinion) and conduct some additional research on the web if needed.
Answer: Problem of Obesity has significantly increased in the United States of America, through the report of World Health Federation it is an estimated that around 150 million people all around the world have been suffered by obesity (Williams, 2011). Number of affected parties has believe that the problem of obesity has relates with fast food chain which leads the health crisis and even though the companies which are engaged in advertisement were also blamed. McDonalds have some other ideas and they follow product development strategy with offers low cholesterol and food promotion for their products by their own promotional ways, when product of endorse does not given the health message it will be implement government law. Study suggests that loving the neighborhood with the health food items is helpful to decrease the obesity rate around 56% in children's (Saelens, et.al, 2012). McDonalds is primarily sells cheeseburger, hamburgers and other chicken products which are equal to cigarette advertisement. McDonald should have to come up special burger and French fries that should be less cholesterol for children and adult.
Q2) Discuss the merits of the law proposed by France that would require fast-food companies to either add a health/warning message to commercials (much like the warning labels on cigarettes) or pay a 1.5% tax on their ad budgets. Proponents of the advertising tax cite studies which suggest that a 10% increase in the price of cigarettes reduces consumer demand for cigarettes on average by 4%. Do some research and discuss which strategy you feel is better in terms of ...