There are different modes of culture existing in the world, where the human beings exist. People follow their culture according to their society where they live their lives. Many societies are formed which differ according to their location, proximity, technology, values as well as way of living. There are several cultures and sub cultures formed in different societies which share distinct beliefs and knowledge. None of the two societies are identical; they possess different aspects and qualities which differentiate each society with the other one. The differentiation in the culture is a key term for sociologist to classify the societies and the people. This helps in the study of culture and also helps in getting more information about any society. The human beings are a part of a society, and they work according to their own societies where they live. The culture also depends heavily on the society and its types. The cultural differences helps in differentiating the societies up to an extent, and it helps in differentiating the people of this society. The modes of subsistence have a strong impact on the culture and it plays an important role in understanding the culture of the different societies present in the world (Timseena, 1990). In order to better know about the societies it is always better to understand the modes of subsistence which varies from society to society and culture to culture. In today's world, understanding the modes of subsistence is easier as compared to the past
Scope of the Paper
This research paper addresses the culture of Mbuti, their mode of sustenance i.e. foraging, and a detailed discussion on their cultural ecology. The paper aims to develop an understanding of the impact of Mbuti culture on the kinship, beliefs and values, as well as the social organization.
Subsistence Modes
The modes of subsistence are defined as the way any society obtains its basic necessities in order to endure their life. These basic necessities include education, food, working life and many more. This mode is a fundamental aspect of all the existing societies, and these modes differ according to the societies. The different forms of subsistence modes are present including hunting, farming, agriculture and others as well. The societies get involved in different modes of subsistence for the betterment of their lives and for their survival as well (Watson, 1995). Along with the passage of time many societies have evolved and changed up to an extent.
The modes of subsistence have a strong influence on different aspects of the society including political structure, social life, social organization, and the economy. These modes help the sociologists to divide and differentiate the societies. The culture of any society is strongly influenced by the modes of subsistence of its society and people.
The Mbuti are Nomadic groups of hunters and gatherers who live in small, temporary camps in the southern and central parts of the dense Ituri rain forest in Zaire, central Africa. They frequently move camp to reap the benefit of new areas of the ...