Mba Admission Essay

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MBA Admission Essay

MBA Admission Essay

There is no substitute of hard work as it can lead to the achievement of excellence in every aspect of life. “Character is what emerges from all the little things you were too busy to do yesterday, but did anyway” (Mignon McLaughlin, 1966). Hard work and dedication towards whatever I do is the only key to my success. I believe that hard work is the only path through which an individual can achieve success and there are no shortcuts to achieve success. In all areas of life, I have been able to achieve success, and it is my goal to achieve the same success by completing my Masters program in Business administration and intends to work for a reputable organization.

Apart from a successful academic career, I have achieved a lot of accomplishments in my professional life. It is my passion to achieve excellence in whatever I pursue makes me stand out from others. Having a degree of Bachelor in science, I have worked for various departments and have served the intelligence community to the best of my abilities. Since I have been able to serve the intelligence community on a various issues and projects, therefore, it has helped me widen my array of knowledge. I have a very strong background in analyzing terrorist networks and conducting effects-based targeting in support of various Combatant Commands engaged in the Global War on Terror (GWOT). Possess an in-depth background in identifying, tracking and targeting terrorist nodes in order to achieve desired tactical, operational, and strategic effects. Moreover, I have an extensive experience utilizing various US Military and National Intelligence databases when researching and analyzing terrorist organizations.

My academic achievements are evident from the fact that before I completed my Bachelors degree I was assigned and was working very ...
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