Mazzini, Treitschke & Gorbachev

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Mazzini, Treitschke & Gorbachev

Mazzini, Treitschke & Gorbachev

In An Essay on the Duties of Man Addressed to Workingmen what did Giuseppe Mazzini contend are the duties people owe to humanity? What did he believe were the duties they owed to their country? Why did he believe that it was essential to serve one's country?

Duties of Man can be considered as the spiritual testament of Giuseppe Mazzini. It exposes in a flat form and accessible political thought of the father of Italian democracy which has been called the 'contemporary posterity because of its ability to identify the long wave of history. “The wise, the result of full maturity have begun in 1841 and completed only between 1859 and 1860 and was dedicated to the Italian workers. Mazzini addresses this real manual of civil education, which outlines a strategy for reform capable of liberating them from a condition that brooked have no alternative between acquiescence and skepticism on the one hand, and subversion devoid of concrete political perspectives on the other. The English historiography has defined Mazzini as the father of "liberal nationalism". But he is also the only political writer of the age that goes from the Enlightenment to Positivism that he fought, like Condorcet, against all forms of discrimination that have hindered the advent of democracy and that still threaten its stability: discrimination of wealth and birth, racial discrimination and religious and sex. Certainly there is Mazzini who can represent more fully the richness and relevance of a thought in which usage of an expression of Ignazio Silone, "sparkle still many sparks of spirituality as durable as the human race" has been discussed.

“you violate your law of life, you do not comprehend that Religion which will be the guide and blessing of the future”( Mazzini, 1898)

In the duty of man, Mazzini has approached that "The laws made by only a fraction of citizens cannot become nature of things and of men that reflect the thoughts, aspirations, desires of that fraction. The law must express the general extraction, promote the profit of all and answer a beat of the core of the nation. The entire nation must, therefore, directly or indirectly, represent the legislator

“The only way to prevent this state of things would have been for the upper classes voluntarily to consent to reduce the hours of labor” ( Mazzini, 1898)

Mazzini subjugated the concept of homeland in the wider context of humanity, in the hope that the concept of "nation" would have been passed in favor of a "FEDERATION" between the peoples of Europe. On the one hand, it would have allowed the removal of international tensions healing the wounds nationalist and, on the other hand it has allowed the development of the poorest people. The nations should have come to this new geopolitical driven by the understanding of "MORAL LAW" to which all are subject. In the duty of care, Mazzini emphasized that the nations should have come to this new geopolitical approach driven by the understanding of "MORAL LAW" ...