Mayo Employee Resource Groups Consultant

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Mayo Employee Resource Groups Consultant




1.1 Background of the topic3

1.2 Discussion of the Different Groups3


2.1 Description of the eight different groups4

2.2 Conclusion of the study7



1.1 Background of the topic

There is a need for hiring a new consultant at Mayo Clinic and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. The organization known as Mayo Employee Resource Group or MEGR provides a suitable platform for the employees to work together for the attainment of common diversity interests and goals. The employees have also exerted several efforts to make a Mayo Clinic a better cultural place and providing a comfortable working environment to the employees. There is no consultant working at Mayo Clinic at the moment which is causing problems for the organization. Therefore, all the issues related to the hiring of MERG Consultant and Mayo Clinic will be discussed in detail.

1.2 Discussion of the Different Groups

There are around eight groups who are not having any consultant at Mayo Clinic in order to work for the betterment of the overall organization. The eight groups have a strong need to maintain quality services at Mayo Clinic in order to sustain a reasonable level of environment in the future. The MERG consultant has a vital role in this regard in order to achieve the major objectives of the clinic. The organization has done quite well in the past to maintain a reasonable level of performance but there is a need to improve the scope of its services in the future. There are eight different groups who are a part of the Mayo Clinic and all of them will be discussed in detail (Bharadwaj, 2000, 196).


2.1 Description of the eight different groups

1. African Descendent Support Network (ADSN) - The mission of the ADSN is to optimize the experiences of Mayo Clinic Rochester employees of African descent in order to advance practices, education and research. Goals/focus: community outreach, Career Development and Mentoring, Networking and Strategic Partnerships. The MERG Consultant can provide assistance to the network in preparing a suitable strategy in this regard that can lead to favorable consequences for the organization. The comprehensive plan gives a proper roadmap to the employees that can help them in performing their work in the best possible way.

2. Arab Employee Resource Group- The mission of the Arab Heritage Employee Resource Group is to support Mayo's diversity agenda. The MERG consultant can work further on the mission to further expand the diversity agenda of Mayo. There are several points that can be added to strengthen the organization's mission to meet the major objectives in the future (Cabrera, 2005, 735).

3. Chinese Employee Resource Group- The mission of this group is to enhance professional and social experiences of Mayo Clinic Rochester's Chinese employees, with the goal of promoting clinical practice, education and research. The purpose is to: Create and strengthen a professional community, Develop and sustain a social network and mentoring resources, Encourage mutual respect, effective ...
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