Matthews Verses

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Matthews Verses and Their Interpretations

Matthews Verses and Their Interpretations


Some of the aspects of the life of Jesus were find by Mathews, and he has linked the to the God's life. Emphasize is on the fact that one can find God's own history and perspective in Jesus Christ (Hays, 2001, p.35). He has accomplished this purpose highlighting Jesus' lineage and how it is linked to the overall heritage of Jesus Christ. The most notable thing is that one can find some sort of artistic illustration of events in his material. The way Gospel is surrounded by five discourses emphasizes this fact. The Gospel was being written in Greek, so it points to the fact that most of the readers might have Greek heritage. There are many Jews who seem to be the subject of Mathew's material (Wiles, 2006, p.133). This is evident from the fact that he has lot of quotations from OT rather than taking any other NT author.


Although the first Gospel is anonymous, the early church fathers were unanimous in holding that Matthew, one of the 12 apostles, was its author. Although it can be seen that first Gospel's identity is not known at all, the early church were of the view that, Mathews, who was among the 12 apostles, was the eventual author of that material. But modern studies have suggested otherwise and we will be discussing them afterwards. The early church has interpreted that how righteous the people must act to be the part of the Kingdom, as well as what sort of life ideologies people must follow. Although the details of how this level of righteousness can be achieved is not discussed at all (Wiles, 2006, p.133).

The sermon itself starts with the beatitudes. These are the qualities that people of God must possess, who can be the part of the Kingdom of God, have full blessings from the kingdom and they must eagerly look forward to the blessings. When it is taken together, it gives the clear perspective and the idea of how are the perfect disciples of Gods must carry them. They are the heir of promises. Jesus somehow has not mentioned that how someone can be like this, and all these discussions are given in the subsequent chapters and verses (Wiles, 2006, p.133).

The Jewish nature of the text has emphasized that it was compiled in the holy land, though some people believe that it was being originated in the Syrian Antioch. Another thing that has to be kept into the consideration is that even though it has been said that Jesus delivered this sermon on the mountain (Hays, 2001, p.35), it does not necessarily mean that these are precisely same words that have been delivered by Jesus. Mathew translated these teachings into the language of Greek, he may pretty well have concise some of the meanings of the text. He might have rephrased some of the teachings when doing so. There are also some people who think that he ...
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