Math Lesson Plans Nctm Standards Number Sense Operations

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Math Lesson plans NCTM Standards Number Sense Operations

Math Lesson plans NCTM Standards Number Sense Operations


The main purpose of this paper is to develop four lesson plans from the website of NCTM Standards Number Sense Operations and describe the main aim of the lesson plan along with the methodology and the mathematical operations of this lesson plan. The paper also develops the appropriateness of the website grade levels and the other necessary information related to these lesson plans. The website which has been used for developing these lesson plans is

Description of the Lesson Plan

The main aim of these lesson plans is to construct the groups on the basis of zero to five objects. The lesson plans has also been established for the purpose of making a connection of the number names to the groups and work on composition and decomposition of numbers and make use of the numerals so that the exact size of the group could be recorded. In this lesson plan, the visual, kinesthetic activities and auditory activities were used so that it can provide help to the students in the acquisition of a sense of number. The lesson plan has been constructed to aid the students in gaining the ability of constructing the groups of zero to five objects. The lesson plan has also been developed for the proper identification of the numerical of 0 to 5. This lesson plan has been developed for the purpose of getting awareness on the fact that the students should get knowledge about the number of objects which are used for the proper representation of numerical before the start of the lesson (Bunting, 1994). This will be a helpful approach for the students in knowing about the remediation activities so that the student's needs could be properly met. This lesson plan has been established for enhancing the student's familiarization with the counting concepts. This lesson plan is used for enhancing the knowledge and awareness of the students that a cardinal number is the number which is used for proper answering of the question “How many”. This lesson plan also provides the knowledge and information about the rational counting and the rote counting. Thus, this is a very important lesson plan which has been developed for enhancing the student's knowledge and information regarding the numbers and the mathematics concept (NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEACHERS OF MATHEMATICS, 2000). This is helpful in properly understanding that it is the role of the students to develop the connections between the out-of-school mathematic experiences and in-school mathematics lessons. It is also necessary that the students should have complete knowledge about the expression “High Give”. Thus, these lesson plans in the websites were very effective and these were very helpful in the proper identification of the mathematical numbers.

Methodology of Number Sense Used in Lesson Plans

Number sense is mainly comprised of the process which is used for gaining the proper understanding of the numbers. The number sense is the best procedure which helps in gaining the information about ...