Mastering Common Workplace Skills

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Mastering Common Workplace Skills

Mastering Common Workplace Skills


Good communication skills amongst various other workplace skills are of great importance to everyone, especially to a business. This is the process through which the information is received and conveyed, from and to others. Thus, in this respect in order to master other workplace skills, it is essential for any incumbent to first possess strong communication skills (ODEP, n.d). Moreover, good communication skills can play a detrimental role in an individual's professional success such as in terms of their workplace recognition and promotion. Likewise, this paper highlights some of the common workplace skills that are important for any working individual regarding their workplace success. These are discussed in the following section of the paper.


To begin this section, certain workplace skills have been chosen for better flow of discussion in the paper. These are highlighted as follows:

Navigating and Facilitating Change

Hitt, (1998) comments that with the turn of the late twentieth century the business landscape at a global level has become more competitive in form. These changes have impacted the nature of competition and now many firms are facing increased level of challenges in order to maintain their competitiveness against their rivals. Such scenario demands a structural change in an organization's processes and functions in order to remain competitive. Thus, an organizational change is the process through which an organization changes its functions or key areas to trigger the firm's increased competitiveness. However, an organization's resource that is most affected by this change process is its human capital; the employees. Hence, by identifying change leaders across different teams by the business managers would help make the change transition much easier for all of the employees. However, to discuss at a team level, leaders and managers could make facilitate the change process through keeping an open flow of communication with their employees. Sharing and discussing their concerns in a friendly manner along with maintaining a good and harmonious working environment would not only help the change process but is also likely to ease the employee to accept and modify to the change(s) accordingly.

Communicating Bad News

For any manger or individual, at a leadership position in an organization finds the task of delivering bad news to their superiors or sub-ordinates as the most difficult task (Bies, 2010). However, by following the three interrelated phases of preparation, delivery and follow-up, helps to ease the process of conveying the bad ...