Mass Media And Healthcare Quality

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Mass Media and Healthcare Quality


The article Doubling Of Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Over-45s In Under A Decade was taken from a website, published in June 2008. The article talks about sexually transmitted diseases in people aged 45 and above. The content of the document is designed to explore the data presented in article while evaluating its potential impact on readers.


Article Review

While majority of the articles dealing with STD's are directed towards teenagers, this article particularly targets the prevalence of STD is population aged 45 and above. It advocates that the spread of STDS in this age bracket has been a long ignored topic in healthcare frameworks in majority of countries. The basis of the article is actually a research that was conducted in UK and was reported by Health Protection Agency's Regional Surveillance Unit in the West Midlands and can be found in BMJ-British Medical Journal (2008).

In the research nineteen clinics were monitored for the number o sexually transmitted diseases being diagnosed from year 1996 to 2003. In total 4445 STDs were identified among individuals aged 45 and above and majority of these were straight women and men. The article further goes on to present the data that was concluded in the research. It presents the percentage of different STDs, it then moves on to identifying who, men or women, were mostly affected by it. In doing so, it just doesn't leave out STDs prevalence data in younger population. The data for younger population has also been mentioned.

According to the article the reason for such huge increase of STDS in middle age groups is the ignorance of healthcare agencies to tailor their health care promotions programs regarding STDS towards different aged groups, instead they are more focused towards the younger population hence population of 45 and above is ignored. To ...
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