Maslow''s Evaluaion

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Maslow''s Evaluaion

Maslow''s Evaluaion

Abraham Maslow (1908 - 1970) carried out his investigations into human behaviour between 1939 and 1943. Labelled ?The Father of Humanist Psychology,? Abraham Maslow was head of the psychology at Brandeis University. He developed the Hierarchy of Needs, which proved highly influential on a number of thinkers. ([2] Stuart Crainer, Key Management Ideas, pg238). Maslow suggested the theory of needs. He further explained that there are goals, which, we arrange into a series of different levels, or the order of importance of these basic needs.

Maslow believed in the way people do things. Maslow would say; anything we do starts from a drive inside us. For example, if I eat, it is because I am hungry and I have an urge to satisfy that hunger. If I am thirsty, I drink to satisfy my thirst. I would have the need to drink.

Maslow says: - Motivation is the drive to satisfy needs. ([3] B R Jewell, An Integrated Approach to Business Studies, pg517). Since people tend to behave in ways they believe will bring satisfaction of their needs, we must consider those needs, if we want to understand what motivates people. Maslow produced a hierarchy of human needs. Many of the numerous illustrations of Maslow?s hierarchy differ and include more needs. ?

Freud's dream theory had many detractors. The patients that Freud tested his hypothesis on are a major criticism. Since Freud tended to only work with rich, white Austrians, that demographic is the base of Freud's research. Rich, white Austrians are not a proper representation of the world's populations. Thus, it can be argued that the theory does not apply to everyone. Freud's other theories also detract from his dream theory. Some of Freud's theories are considered incredibly far fetched. In Freud's theory of development, he hypothesized that humans go ...