Marymount University Student Code Of Conduct For Speech

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Marymount University Student Code of Conduct for Speech


Marymount University has devised a code of conduct which every student should agree and follow, during their academia. The code of conduct is required to be read, understood and acknowledged by every student, which is to ensure the discipline. This paper in relation to Marymount University Student Code of Conduct will discuss how this code of conduct covers speech. The paper will discuss about speech that is allowed and speech that is not allowed. Finally, it will be determined if the Student Code of Conduct violates the 1st Amendment or not.

Discussion and Analysis

With everything clearly mentioned in the code of conduct of the University, it is explicit what is permitted and what is not. Healthy discussion, argument and critique is encouraged and appreciated in accordance with Marymount University Student Code of Conduct for Speech. Students are allowed to openly contribute their opinion regarding certain situations. Students are allowed to discuss every issue, until and unless it is being affecting people around them. For instance, students are not allowed to taunt their university mates. Students are not encouraged to criticize administrative policies of the University (Marymount University, 2012). Moreover, verbal humiliation, fight and sex are completely prohibited. However, university decides punishment in matters of violation of speech conduct after performing the analysis of the nature, severity and impact of the speech. After reading the Marymount University Student Code of Conduct, following are the few points determined which are completely prohibited in accordance with it:

Derogatory Speech

Any derogatory speech which aim to insult, disparage or deprecate anyone is prohibited by the University. This draws an outline what student are permitted to speak and what they need to avoid. This helps student to remain sensitive to the feeling of others during discussion, argument and criticism. ...