Martin Luther King Jr.

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Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.


This paper encompasses one of the most influential leaders of recent times, Martin Luther King and what were the reasons that lead to his success, some of his major contributions and his overall impact on history. To begin with we will discuss the background and the history of King.


Early Years

Martin Luther King Jr. was born on the 15th of January, 1929 he was born as Michael Luther King but later on his family chose to change his name to Martin. Martin is best known for the civil movements. Martin was born to Michael King Sr. and Alberta Williams King in the city of Georgia. King's grandfather, Alberta's father was a minister, and once he moved to Atlanta he joined the Ebenezer Baptist Church. Following his father's footsteps Michael King Sr. also joined the Ebenezer Church as a pastor. After Alberta's father passed away in 1931 Michael King Sr. became a minister and became known as Michael Luther King Sr. in honor of the German protestant and religious leader Luther King (Hatt, 2002).

Martin Luther Jr. was the middle child and has two siblings an elder sister Willie Christine and a younger brother Alfred Williams King. Martin was born into a very loving and God fearing family. King Sr. was extremely disciplinary and paid much attention is making his children obedient, and even though Martin's parents gave everything to protect the children and keep them safe they couldn't keep their children protected from racism which was increasingly becoming an issue during the time. King Sr. was a very strong man and he fought long and hard against racism. His strongest motive for fighting against racism was not because he was a victim of it but because he felt that racism was strongly against God's will and his teachings of equality. This was the belief he taught his children which had a huge impact on Martin King Jr.

In his early days in Atlanta King was baptized in May 1936, he entered a public school at the age of 5. As a student Martin always performed well and during his high school years he joined Booker T Washington and continued doing well in his studies. Martin joined Morehouse College in 1944 when he was only 15 years old and he continued to excel in his studies (HLS, 2002).

Even though Martin's family was very religious and went to church regularly Martin had many questions on religion and even though he tried real hard at putting his heart into praying he always felt uneasy while praying and this feeling lived with his throughout his youth which even lead Martin to refuse joining the ministry like his father planned for him. However there was a change of heart after Martin attended Bible class during his junior year which restored his faith and he decided on joining the ministry.

Spiritual Enlightenment

After Martin earned his degree in Sociology from Morehouse College in the year 1948 Martin later joined the Crozer Theological Seminary, during his ...
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