Martin Luther King

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Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King

Thesis Statement

“People considered Martin Luther King as a king of conservatives and moral principles”.


Martin Luther strived hard for civil rights in American during 1950s-1960s. Martin Luther struggled for the rights of blacks and other people in America. The year 1964, Martin Luther was awarded with a Nobel Prize. He fought against the poverty as well. He observed that black people were given bad treatment. It was his belief that government should provide more support to such people as there were so many elites in America. Later in his life, Martin observed that all the blacks were not in favor to fight for equality in rights the way Martin Luther did. Few of the groups made use of violence and became aggressive. They raised the slogan of “Black power”.

Martin Luther's life was ended, as he was killed by white racists. His death was mourned by several people all over the world. Subsequent to the death of King's death, people were in shock and they started riots in several states of America. Despite of his so much struggle and hard work for minorities and civil rights, a growing number of individuals consider him as conservative Icon. In this paper we will discuss the contributions of Martin Luther King for the black community with respect to poverty, civil right. Moreover, this paper will discuss the fact that people who considered him as a conservative icon, now claim that he had moral principles, He wanted to change people instead of laws. Furthermore, the paper will provide the supporting information for the evidences.


As the whole nation makes celebrations on the birthday of Martin Luther King as national Holiday, a new wave of battle has exploded the legacy of the king, and considers his message of patriotism, self help and a colorblind USA as fundamentally conservative. However, those people, who have marched with Martin Luther King and have detailed comprehension of his work, consider this notion as absurd. People from Politics, who were once against Martin Luther King, are now trying hard to misrepresent his messages. The most famous words of the King are the root of the disagreement. According to a conservative historian, Peter Schramm, King opposed all those policies, which were developed on the basis of race. He furthermore added that King raised the voice and based his attacked on segregation on the basis of argument to judge people on the basis of the content of their character instead of the color of their skin. This argument is considered as profoundly moral demand.

Taylor Branch, who is a winner of a Trilogy on King, argues that few of the conservatives have been calling up an apparition version of Martin Luther king for avoiding to deal with the existing problems on the basis of racism. According to him, these people claim that they have better understating of the works and message of Martin Luther King than the King himself had. Furthermore, Taylor branch added that if people have a quick look ...
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