Married/Unmarried Female Stress

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Married/Unmarried Female Stress

Married/Unmarried Female Stress


Amongst many determinants of psychological health, stress is considered as the most crucial. Many researchers have been indicated that a higher rate of psychological stress is found in women in comparison of men. As per the model of social stress, marital differences such as (married or unmarried) moderately reflect some structured variations in vulnerability and exposure to stress. However, the complete understanding is highly essential concerning the factors of social environment that impacts the types and number of stressors that are exposed to a woman in the society, as undoubtedly, that has some definite adverse effects on physical health of the woman as well. The aim of this research study is to explore the association between psychological stress in married and unmarried women in order to find out the fact that either a married woman is more stressed or an unmarried woman is more stressed. The study will target the differentiation and measurement of stress levels amongst married and unmarried undergraduate females of the Troy University Montgomery. Stress scales will be administered to support the research study and it will be hypothetically assumed that the married female undergraduate females would have greater stress levels rather than unmarried female undergraduate students. The results will hold up the hypothesis and will show greater differences between married and unmarried female students.

Key Words: Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Married Females, Unmarried Females.

Literature Review

The pressure of studies at an undergraduate level on mental and psychological health has been taken into consideration on broad perspectives over the previous two decades (Guo, Cheng, & Yeh, 2001). Stress is the most prevalent psychological problem in the females at studies level and also at working levels as they also do jobs beside studies as well. Stress is regarded as the most universally diagnosed psychological illness that becomes a cause of several other physical illnesses in the near future ( Korotitsch & Barlow, 1997). Stress has been renowned as a significant outcome measure for various different conditions in one's life (Bennet, Williams, Page, Hood, & Woollard, 2004; Caplan, 1994). It was also suggested by Plaisier and his colleagues that unsatisfied results in studies and poor conditions of work may be a vital sign of stress which ultimately make contributions towards various related psychological illnesses such as anxiety or depression. There are wide variety of studies that explore the associations between the level of stress and unsatisfied studies or poor working conditions in individuals regardless of the matter either they are married or unmarried ( Plaisier et al., 2006; Kawakami et al., 1996).

As per a recent survey, about more than 90% of the students are also involved in doing part-time jobs beside their studies. It is really a more than average hard and hectic thing in one's life to manage good studies along with doing some earning from a part-time job. Also there are numerous advantages of doing some part-time job along with studies as an individual can earn something in order to support herself or ...
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