Marriage Before The Age Of 21

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Marriage before the age of 21

Marriage Before the Age of 21

Thesis Statement

Marriage before the age of 21 involves many conflicts, violations and social issues in the society.


All over the world, marriage is considered as an occasion and celebration in everyone's life. Marriage is a social relationship and a legal contract between two people that creates a relationship. It is the source of bringing people together socially and emotionally. Definition of marriage varies from culture to culture. In general terms, it is described as an interpersonal and close relationship in which sexual and personal aspects are considered as the most important aspects. This merger is formally celebrated through proper wedding ceremony. Usually, it is held between two opposite sexes but some countries even allow polygamous marriage and same-sex marriage as well (Stephen, 1976).

Marriage is a permanent relationship and facilitates the couple, both with monetary and legal benefits. For the first marriage, the average age in US is 29 for men and 27 for women, but marriage is not a good decision for everyone especially young people who are below 21. Generally, people marry on the premise concerning legal, social, economic, spiritual, emotional and religious reasons. Marriage does not only involve intimacy and personal relationship it also entails the obligations of a family with respect to commitment and legal protection of spouse and children. Annulment or divorce has now become a norm of every society.


Getting married at an early age means ignoring the freedom of childhood and at the same time young people's fundamental rights are also being sacrificed. It seems as a burden on husbands at immaturity when they don't have clear understanding of taking responsibilities. According to UNICEF, millions of people get married but the negative influence is seemed to be on girls in many cases. In conservative societies, it is considered as a way to make the situation stable and to protect girls by giving their responsibilities to their spouses.

From biological perspective, the chances of death in pregnancy are found more in young girls and the chances of complications are also high. In case of old age husband and a high age difference, women often face diseases and other internal health problems because of husband's early sexual terms with other women.

Every person has a right to learn and grow in a professional life but early marriage ruins many women's education because of burden of household works on them. Many working women even leave their job because of pregnancy complications, children and their responsibilities. On the other hand, especially in western society, many young girls get involved in sexual relationships with different men. This can harm their health in terms of disease transmission and infections. The only solution to that problem is early marriage which was found useful for many girls in the past. Early marriage is the best way to make sure that a wife is secured, or placed confidently in male control and that she is obedient to her husband and works hard for her in-laws' ...
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