Marriage And Prison

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Compare and Contrast: Marriage and Prison

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Compare and Contrast: Marriage and Prison


Marriage is like a besieged fortress. This outside want in and those inside want out. “The word marriage invokes one of the most illogical links that we find in life. On the one hand, we can achieve the highest odds of happiness, passion, harmony, complicity, sincerity and love. While ,on the other hand, we are able to live and starring in the most tense moments of annoyance, oppression, slavery, subjugation, violence and even death. The human being is capable of moving from pure hatred love more sincere. Marriage is just a noun that carries the most beautiful and most destructive of the word love. Getting married is like being imprisonment for the rest of life.

Perhaps our main fault is trying to change or modify certain aspects and features of our half without being able to accept as it is. At the end of the day, love is understanding and tolerance. It makes us better people, and we can give everything without expecting anything in return.


If we remember the individual, since time immemorial, has dreamed the other half to fit perfectly, to the union that meets the basic requirements of stability, friendship, communication, trust and sincerity. The passion and desire to assume it comes automatically. An obvious example are the songs, legends, tales and stories, we have heard and read hundreds of times. We run long for an unattainable love; these films only enjoy when going to the movies and bought a ticket to the final release of the Hollywood romantic comedy par excellence (Zimbardo 2000).

The marriages last an average of 13.8 years, in most of the European Union. However, we have one divorce for every 1000 people. Even after the arrival of this latest crisis, separation ...
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